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Biochemically Quashing Roundup's Carcinogenicity~Stephanie Seneff, MIT Genius~~Tulsi Gabbard Weighs in Against Roundup

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Stephen Fox
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Stephanie Seneff, PhD on Glyphosate (RoundUp) Poisoning:.The 'SAFE' Herbicide that's making us all Sick!. Seneff's three decades of scientific rigor is added to a growing contempt over this poison found in so many foods globally

The California Supreme Court recently delivered a major slam to Monsanto by refusing to hear their challenge, which would have removed glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, from California's Proposition 65 list of cancer-causing chemicals. It was placed on that list through a long and careful series of hearings and lots of evidence from toxicologists, oncologists, and medical researchers, by the California Carcinogen Identification Commission. Monsanto believes all of those kinds of considerations can be routinely dismissed by saying, "Bad Science" or "Fake News," as they do when their PR staff pontificates in the gullible press to downplay any potentially negative reporting. Not this time, however, thanks to the California Supreme Court!

This ruling follows the recent California jury ordering Monsanto to pay $289 million in damages to a school gardener who developed severe lymphomas after using Roundup, including several times when the weed killer container under pressure blew up on him and covered his entire skin with the carcinogen, actually, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in his capacity as a pest control manager for a California county school system.

Please also see my two prior articles on these subjects:

End of Monsanto/Bayer is Coming, Thanks to Jury's $289 million Award to Roundup/Cancer Victim, Dewayne Johnson

click here

and: Brazil's Battles against Bayer/Monsanto: 83 percent of breast milk samples were found to contain glyphosate

click here


Finally, it appears that the American public may be rising up to widely oppose Monsanto, despite the corporate penchant of Monsanto to exercise an unparalleled level of ruthlessness to protect its profits whenever and wherever possible.

There are presently thousands of lawsuits against Monsanto by cancer victims and families have reportedly filed thousands of lawsuits focused on the probability that the company knew about Roundup's carcinogenicity but in the context of no warnings whatsoever to that effect.

This toxic herbicide has been found in thousands of manufactured food products and agriculture products. For example, EWG, the Environmental Working Group, conducted a series of lab tests on oat-based foods and found the presence of glyphosate in 43 out of 45 conventional samples tested.

[The Environmental Working Group is an American activist group that specializes in research and advocacy in the areas of agricultural subsidies, public lands, and corporate accountability. EWG is a non-profit organization]

Even the industry journalism spins on this are both scoffing and condemning:

click here

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